Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Seasons of love

I am lucky enough to live in a place where I can experience all four seasons. Some seasons, as the one we're in, are hotter than others which only makes me thankful for the other 3 seasons that bring relief. I am a self professed lover of rain. I'm entranced by the sound it makes as it collides with the roof of the house and trickles down the window onto the grass. How it hits the hood of my car as I'm driving down the road. That pounding noise seems to somehow cause me to relax and smile. My favorite days are those filled with clouds and thunder. Even as I write this, it seems that rain is on the verge of pouring from the sky. Rain is unmistakable in its decent. Which is probably why I love it so much. It makes a statement as it falls. 

Snow on the other hand is quite the opposite. Yes I know you know that, but I am just amazed by the peacefulness snow can bring. As it falls from the sky it's as if the whole city becomes hushed. And as much as I hate driving in the frozen iced over roads that our snow often brings, the way the flakes make their way to the ground in the stillness is astoundingly beautiful. 

Fall is my favorite season of the four. And lately I've been craving everything that comes with the cooler weather. I'm ready to make a large pot of chili with sweet cornbread and watch football in my college hoodies. I'm ready to see the leaves change their colors and wake up to mom making pumpkin scones. I'm ready for hot chocolate sipped while snuggled under blankets watching a great movie. I'm ready for new traditions at Thanksgiving and Christmas. And most of all I'm ready to do all these things with my new guy. 

The start of this year I felt that a new season was quickly approaching and I was right. God is so faithful in every season to mold us and make us into who he's designed us to be. I am so very blessed and honored to be his daughter. He has lead me into a season of love, one that I know will be a lifetime. This is a season I have so longed to be in for quite a long time. And there were times when I didn't think I would get to have this season. But through all the trust and yes sometimes doubt, God remained faithful to continue His good work inside of me. I look forward to the years ahead, the memories we'll share and the places God will take us. He's a wonderful guy who loves God more than anything. He is incredibly sweet and kind. He comes from a wonderful family, whom I've met and am so blessed to know. I look forward to the memories made with them and sharing life together. I am truly blessed. 

Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring is comin'

The breeze tells of impending spring. It's right around the corner and I can taste it with the passing days. Today it's 65 degrees here, but it feels like a balmy 73. I love spring, it's my favorite, aside from my true love, fall. There's something about the rush of spring that causes my heart to swell. Spring is packed full of new life, not just in the natural but also in the spiritual. I believe that every spring brings a new season of life to the soul. The sweet air revives the spirit and what has laid dormant for a season begins to sprout. Seasons of hope, change, love, forgiveness, repentance, unity and peace.

I love spring, and I know that this new season is going to be an awesome time!

Friday, February 26, 2010


Today for the first time, I gave blood to the Red Cross. I have forever had a fear of needles and the very thought of getting stuck with a needle would freak me out. But last year, that all changed. I was scheduled to have a health assessment, which I did not want in the least bit, when I was called to jury duty. Now if you know me, you know that sometimes things like jury duty can make me so nervous. But I didn't have a choice, so I went. As is usual for the standard proceedings, several people are called and then interviewed to see if he or she will be fit to be a juror for that case. As each name was called I prayed my name would not be among them. And to my relief it wasn't. But little did I know the proceedings didn't stop there. After several people had been dismissed, my name was drawn and I had the "privilege" to sit the seat closest to the person on trial. That was to this day one of the most uncomfortable things I've had to do. The case was awful. It was the sort of case that causes every fiber in your being to scream "RUN AWAY!" Verging on tears a break was called and I sat tense in the chair looking at the floor, wondering how I would get out of this. I had no reason to not be there. I was in good health and a job that would pay for me to be there. There was no way I would get out, no story I could come up with to get out of there. I was under oath after all. And suddenly I realized, I would rather be giving blood than sitting in this chair! And that's it! I was cured! I know I know. I'm so dramatic! But it worked for me. I ended up being dismissed and was so glad! The next day, I walked up the hill to get my health assessment with a smile on my face and confidence in my heart that what I was about to do was good, and right, and safe. Since that day, I've gone through another health assessment and today gave blood! I overcame my fear and by doing so, I will be able to save at least 3 lives with my blood. How awesome!
This reminds me of the sacrifice that Jesus gave. He gave ALL his blood so that I might be saved. What an awesome thing! May I ever be thankful of the blood work he did that day so I could stand here today! :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Divine Romance with the King

So I'm really uninspired at the moment. However I am attempting to post something intelligent if not coherent. Somewhere deep inside of me lies the potential book. Of what the subject will contain, I have not a clue. But what I do know is that I enjoy writing on occasion. I've written several short stories, many many songs, and a couple dozen poems. So know when I say I like to write, I really mean it. But I've come to realize something that I didn't quite have a grasp of until recently. There are several times when writing is so quick and easy for me, and other times when I can't write a darn thing. I guess that's what you would call writers block? I'm not sure. Anyhow, songs come more naturally as I'm prone to be musically inclined. It seems though, that I haven't written in a very long time, thus the need to force myself to post this even in my half asleep state. My hope is to write every night of my vacation, which is soon. I pray that I find solace in the one who has captured my heart and that he will give me rest and direction for my life, as well as the ability to write as though I've never written before.


Our CD is coming along. We are finally in step two of our three step process. My initial hope was to have the project completed by the end of this month. However, our photography shoot wasn't scheduled till the middle of April, leaving us no time to get the pictures to the graphic artist before the beginning of May. The woman who took our pictures, was awesome! She went to all our crazy locations and shot over 600 pictures of us. She was such a trooper! Currently she is working to edit them. Once that is done, we will send the pictures to our graphic artist who will layout the pictures as well as the lyrics for the CD booklet. After that will be step three in which we produce the whole package!!! And once all of that is done, it will finally be ready to be sold to the masses!!!! Ok maybe not the masses, but to all those people who have been waiting since January for a CD, and in some cases, those who have waited practically our whole lives for this moment. Haha...funny I say that because that is the title of our CD...spoiler alert!! Our CD will be called This Moment! :) It will contain 12 origianl songs and one amazing song by an awesome girl named Audrey Lena Baughman. I was so excited to learn that she was willing to share her song with us. The day we met her, I felt like I was meeting someone famous...c'mon I'd only seen/heard her on myspace and from what I'd heard, it was like she was famous...Ok maybe only in my mind. Anyway, she is an awesome person and it was a steller time recording with her. Thanks Audrey! You rock my face off! :) not litterally...

I've been reading the book Captivating. It's been an eye opener, explaining things about my heart and emotions that God placed within me. Things that God longs to repair inside of us that often get ripped apart as little girls. I'm learning to love deeper than I ever have before. I'm learning that trust is not easy, but so essential to our existence. I'm also slowly learning that the God of the universe is in love with me. Not just oh I love you because I have to, or Jesus loves me this I know...but truly, deeply, in love with me. That has been hard to understand. I guess because we are taught to think otherwise; we are taught to believe that he's out to get us and that if we can't be exactly perfect that he's going to write us off forever. But that's not what God says. As women, he, the King, is enthralled with our beauty. That he loves to sing over us. He passionatly loves us with an unending, undying love. And to know that someone, the only true on that matters, desires me, longs for me, and wants me, somehow gives my soul solace and satisfaction. He's beginning to heal my heart in places I didn't know needed to be healed. He's bringing new life to my soul and changing me once again.

Jesus your beautiful.

Divine Romance
Phil Wickham

The fullness of Your grace is here with me
The richness of Your beauty’s all I see
The brightness of Your glory has arrived
In Your presence God, I’m completely satisfied

For You I sing I dance
Rejoice in this divine romance
Lift my heart and my hands
To show my love, to show my love

A deep deep flood, an Ocean flows from You
Of deep deep love, yeah it’s filling up the room
Your innocent blood, has washed my guilty life
In Your presence God I’m completely satisfied

Monday, April 20, 2009

Young-Old Love

Yesterday was my boss' wedding reception. Two years ago, her husband of 34 years died unexpectedly. He was a wonderful guy and she was devastated to loose him. As her journey through grief progressed, she found herself being healed and comforted.
One blistery winter night, six months later, she ran into a long lost friend. He had been ringing the salvation army bell at the local walmart. His innocent inquiry about her husband was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. In February of this year, I received a call in which she informed me that they had run away to get married. (I guess you're never too old to be young again!) I asked how her three grown children would respond, to which she giddily told me of their approval. Yesterday marked the celebration of their union, with guests by the dozen coming to congratulate them.
Seeing their sincere love for each other makes not only my heart but my mouth smile. She has been lucky in love twice. The best part of this story is that he has never been married. He waited 65 years before he gave his heart. And I believe in the cool mornings he quietly thanks the Father in Heaven for bestowing such a wonderful woman in whom to trust his heart.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Butterfly Kisses

The song Butterfly Kisses holds special meaning for me. The song became popular around the time I was 12. Every morning before going to school, we would listen to the christian radio station (KOBC 90.7). They would have local listeners call in and announce birthdays for that day. For my 13th birthday, as a surprise, my dad called the station and dedicated this song to me. It was sweet and of course I cried. Ten years later, I still get sentimental every time I hear the song.

butterfly kisses - Fluttering one's eyelashes on someone's skin so they just feel the tickling sensation

There's two things I know for sure:
She was sent here from heaven and she's daddy's little girl.
As I drop to my knees by her bed at night
She talks to Jesus and I close my eyes and
I thank God for all the joy in my life
Oh, but most of all

For butterfly kisses after bed time prayer
Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair
"Walk beside the pony, Daddy, it's my first ride."
"I know the cake looks funny, Daddy, but I sure tried."
Oh with all that I've done wrong
I must have done something right
To deserve a hug every morning and
Butterfly kisses at night.

Sweet 16 today
She's looking like her mama a little more everyday
One part woman, the other part girl.
To perfume and make-up from ribbons and curls
Trying her wings out in a great big world.
But I remember

Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer;
Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair.
"You know how much I love you, Daddy, But if you don't mind
I'm only gonna kiss you on the cheek this time.
"With all that I've done wrong I must have done something right
To deserve her love every morningand
Butterfly kisses at night.

All the precious time
Like the wind, the years go by.
Precious butterfly.
Spread your wings and fly.

She'll change her name today.
She'll make a promise and I'll give her away.
Standing in the bride-room just staring at her.
She asked me what I'm thinking
and I said "I'm not sure-I just feel like I'm losing my baby girl.
"She leaned over...gave me

Butterfly kisses with her mama there,
Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair
"Walk my down the aisle, Daddy-it's just about time."
"Does my wedding gown look pretty, Daddy? Daddy, don't cry!"
Oh, with all that I've done wrong

I must have done something right.
To deserve her love every morning and
Butterfly kisses-I couldn't ask God for more, man this is what love is.
I know I gotta let her go,

But I'll always remember
Every hug in the morning and
Butterfly kisses.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

3 step program via Romans

This is Our God

Freely you gave it all for us
Surrendered your life upon that cross
Great is your love
Poured out for all
This is Our God
Lifted on high from death to life
Forever our God is glorified
Servant and King
Rescued the World
This is Our God

So recently I have been reading in Romans in The Message, which I recommend to those who like variety. It's been so rich and refreshing to my soul. Very much needed for my spiritual growth. As I was reading the beginning of Romans (chapters 1-5) God began to show me a 3 step process that can be used in any situation. The first step is to Believe (1-3). "...God's law is not something alien, imposed on us from without, but woven into the very fabric of our creation. There is something deep within them that echoes God's yes and no, right and wrong." We have to Believe in God, believe that he saved us for a reason, believe what He has spoken to us through his word, believe that he lives inside of us and that he is at work within us. The second step is to Trust (4). "...the one who trusts God to do the putting-everything-right without insisting on having a say in it is one fortunate man." It is so important that we trust God with everything. We have to trust that he will do what he said he would do, trust that he loves us and is taking care of us. Trust that his will is good, just, right and perfect. Trust is not always easy, but who better to trust than the one who will never leave us or forsake us, the one who gave his life so we could live, the one who always keeps his word, and never pushes us away? I trust him because he holds my world in his hand. This brings us to our third step, which is to be Patient (5). "We continue to shout our praise even when we're hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next..." We must wait upon him. His timing is always perfect, because he can see the whole picture. He works all things together for the good of those who love him.

So to re-cap here are the steps once again...just in case you missed it.

3.Be Patient

Jesus came to earth, lived a perfect exemplary lifestyle, teaching us the way to his Father. He took the sins of the world upon his shoulders, and died so that we might live. But he didn't remain dead. He rose again the third day and sits at the right hand of God. But more importantly, he lives inside of those who love and believe in him. He's not just a Sunday morning God, he's The God who loves us more than we will ever be able to comprehend. He desires to have a relationship with us on a daily basis. And just as Paul wrote in Romans, God created us to believe in him, to trust him, and to wait (be patient) upon him.